This clip is a rough cut from a 30 minute pilot episode of The Yesterday Show. It was shot in front of a live audience without any rehearsal for the purpose of gauging audience response to the material. And they loved it. The final appearance of the programs will more closely resemble a television news program with remote respondents. Read what its about on the right, then view the clip.





The show that asks, "If Twain were alive today, would he thrive as a TV host?" Who would be on the guest list? What would they talk about? View a sample episode here.
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This webisode interview show hosted by Mark Twain, features talks with his 19th century comtemporaries. The stories of these significant historical figures will leave quite an impression on students who may never have thought about the impact of these individuals on their lives today.


Topics of this collection of interviews will include Literature, Innovation, Business, Science and technology, Social Activism, Politics and the Arts. Live virtual followup sessions with Twain are available online by subscription.



Theodore Roosevelt First 20th Century President and one of the most popular in our history, adventurer, author, soldier, Roosevelt was known as the Trust Buster for his role in regulating corporations. He was also an advocate of imperialism - believing in America’s role and destiny as a world power.

Thomas Edison Inventor and engineer who held over 1000 patents, but readily admitted that his failures far outnumbered his successes. Persistence was the key to his success. A brilliant businessman and marketer, his inventions included the incandescent light bulb, the phonograph, movie camera, DC electrical power, an electrical distribution system, and the first vote counting machine. He also recognized and capitalized on the talents of others.

Angelina Grimke Courageous and brilliant abolitionist, political activist, women’s rights advocate and supporter of the women’s suffrage movement. Born on a plantation in Charleston SC, she faced hostility, rejection and death threats, but ultimately became a key figure in the movement to end slavery and advance women’s rights. Her little known but important story, which plays out with drama and unbelievable twists, will astonish and inspire students

Andrew Carnegie Scottish immigrant born to very poor parents, he began as a telegrapher but eventually had investments in railroads, oil and steel, Carnegie gave away about $350 million, or 90% of his fortune, to charities and foundations (almost 9 BILLION dollars in today’s money). He personally stimulated a wave of philanthropy in America, encouraging others to use their wealth to improve society.

Cornelius Vanderbilt Amassed a huge fortune through steamboats, railroads, and various business enterprises. He owned the 250 room Biltmore, the largest home in the United States. Interested in horticulture and agriscience, he oversaw experiments in scientific farming, animal breeding, and forestry. He ran Biltmore as a self-sustaining estate and created the first professionally managed forest in North America. Eventually it became the site of the first accredited school of forestry in this country.

George Washington Carver Born into slavery in Diamond, Missouri, around 1864, Carver went on to become one of the most prominent scientists and inventors of his time as well as a teacher at the Tuskegee Institute. Carver devised over 100 products — including dyes, plastics and gasoline — using the peanut.

Nikola Tesla This Serbian inventor moved to America because of the vast opportunities available here. He first worked for Thomas Edison to improve the efficiency of DC power; but left to develop the alternating current (AC) induction motor and transformer licensed by George Westinghouse. Tesla was an early proponent of wireless communication and X-ray imaging. His patents were the underlying innovations behind radio and television. Renowned for his achievements and showmanship, he earned a reputation in popular culture as an archetypal mad scientist.


Period notables such as Susan B. Anthony, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Frederick Douglass, Ida Tarbell and Harriet Tubman, and many more will also be interviewed in the series.



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